About us


Proyecto Plutarco emerged about three years ago, as a personal project. After a rigorous and academic specialisation (and a boring one, according to most people) in Plutarch, I realised that I used to mention Plutarch countless times to my friends or family: “Plutarch says something like that!” “Plutarch wrote about that topic!”. I always firmly affirm that Plutarch remains up to date and I dare anyone to find a theme that Plutarch didn’t write about. 

I realised I would not be able to show how interesting and up-to-date Plutarch is by publishing extensive academic papers filled with footnotes. That is why I decided to create this project for the dissemination and outreach on Plutarch. After all the effort and time devoted to this project, I am glad to announce the opening of this webpage. Here you will find not only updated information about bibliography and events about the author, but also vlogs about different topics related to his life and work and free teaching materials. Additionally, annual teaching activities will be organised. 

You will come across a wide variety of issues: philosophy, history, history of the book, vegetarianism, ethics, politics, society, etc. If Plutarch addressed these topics, we most certainly address them too. 

If you are interested in the ancient world and in Greek culture, in this webpage you will find information to satisfy your curiosity. We assure you it has all been rigorously prepared by specialists of both Spanish and European universities. 

Welcome to our Project, we hope you enjoy the contents and visit us often!


Lecturer – Researcher- Founder of Proyecto Plutarco

I studied Classical Philology at the University of Málaga and obtained two master degrees: on Teaching, by the University of Málaga, and another one on Research in the Ancient World, by the University of Granada, for which I wrote a thesis on Plutarch. And so I entered the world of Plutarch, which has captivated me ever since. Curious to live new experiences, I started a double doctorate between the Universities of Málaga and Groningen (The Netherlands), where I moved in 2015. After working at both highschool and University level, in 2020 I obtained a position at the University of Córdoba.