Proyecto Plutarco

Project for the dissemination and outreaching of Classical Antiquity.


¿What will you find in Proyecto Plutarco?

You will find a website with trustworthy information about Plutarch and on his relevance to these days. You will find literature at your disposal as well as  academic events organized around his figure. This project also creates teaching materials and vlogs centered on the life and work of Plutarch. 

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Proyecto Plutarco goes international! Check our web in English

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If you are looking for an academic journal to publish your research on Plutarch, contact Ploutarchos.

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We are looking forward to collaborating with a highschool to celebrate the 3rd Jornada de colaboración con IES. If you are interested contact us! 

Brief descriptive highlights



Are you aware of events or publications linked to Plutarch? Tell us and we will advertise them on our website.


Proyecto Plutarco supports the work of young researchers through contributions to participate in conferences and other activities.


We create Vídeo-blogs about Plutarch and we have benefitted from the collaboration of experts in the field. Do not miss any of them!

Recent bibliography

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Fill out the form if you have any comment, doubt or advice you wish to let us know. 

Thank you!

(+34) 957 21 87 71

Plaza Cardenal Salazar, s/n 14003, Córdoba